
When Gibbongirl goes bananas hilarity results. Read on for the adventures, mishaps, and slip-ups that seem to define my life.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Summer, wherefore art thou??

Haven't really posted in a while. The double life I am leading tends to create a time vortex or even a black hole that sucks time into oblivion till I come up for air suddenly, (and infrequently), and realize that whole months have gone by. Its an odd feeling to say the least. I live half a week in one town and the other half in a town 5 hours away. Somewhere along the path of I-75, between my two home towns, I swear there is a portal that when breached starts the week over. By the clock only one week passes at a time, but it feels like there are two weeks squished into that one week's passing. So time flies even as it creeps by. Like I said, an odd feeling.
So, the summer has come and gone, but oh joy there is a new semester coming up. Actually it has already started. And we're off to a good start. My first class was cancelled when the university closed for Tropical Storm Ernesto. Only one more class this week. Nothing says the end of summer like the dread that occurs when you realize you have to go back to school and sit in a classroom hour after hour after hour. . . after endless hour. . . And even though I have to contend with time vortexes, black holes, and portals again this semester it should be a good one with lots of "fun" adventures, mishaps, and experiences to fill this bog.


Blogger Donetta said...

I can't believe it's already time for school to start up again. Crazy! I hope that classes are fun this semester!

5:47 PM  

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