
When Gibbongirl goes bananas hilarity results. Read on for the adventures, mishaps, and slip-ups that seem to define my life.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Soooo.... yeah....

Soooo... its been a while. I'm sure my 3 fans figured that I fell off the face of the technological world. But I haven't. I'm still here, trying to make it through the adventures of life. Finished school. Lost weight. Gained weight. Moved. Got a job. Traveled. Car died. Bought a new car. Went to wedding. Went to cabin. Went to Walmart. Cut hair. Had work drama. The usual. Good times.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Just relaxin'

Some days don't you just feel like sitting around, at home, or at the local pool/waterfall. Good times. Its the holidays and much relaxing is being had. My favorite. No mishaps or adventures to report lately... which I think is a good thing... or it may mean that my life has become temporarily boring, sigh. But, do not despair its about to be a new year and there are bound to be some great adventures to come in the days, weeks, and months ahead. I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Tirade Against the Establishment

So, the other day I was trying to get my thesis printed out on the required 25% cotton, 20 or 24 lb, white paper. I thought, hey this is a university requirment so the university copy shop should be the place to go. Many students need to print out thesis and dissertations on that type of paper; it should logically follow that the university copy shop would be equipped to provide this needed service for the thier students. Sounds logical, right? This is apparently NOT the case. You can't even print from a usb drive. A total and utter dissapointment. So then I thought, the next best thing would be to find a name brand copy shop (the one that starts with a K) and it turns out that the closest one is about 30 minutes away. There I was able to rent computer time, at a per minute charge, and send my items to a printer. After making the last minute changes and triple checking that everything was in order I sent my pages to the printer, at the low low price of .50 a page (EEKS). I go to collect my pages and take them to the counter so that I can get the copied on the special cotton paper. Sorry, they can't make copies for me today, it will take them until 8pm, or sometime tomorrow. I can however, purchase the special cotton paper (which is actually 100% cotton and not 25%, but whatever) and make the copies myself. I thought that was the next best solution and proceeded to count pages to know how many sheets to buy, when I noticed that almost all of my pages had printed out slightly askew. Some pages were more than slighlty askew, with almost an inch difference from top to bottom. The univeristy has no tolorence for skewed pages, so I asked if they could check out the printer or if they had another printer I could use. They didn't and replied that that was how thier printers printed. Then they tried to reprint my pages from one of the behind-the-desk printers and after over a half hour of trying to figure out how the printers worked, asked if I could email the pages to them and they would try to print them out later that day. After almost 2 hours and 20$, I decided that I had had it with the "K" place. I started to drive back to the univeristy and was feeling greatly disturbed and disgrunteld, when I noticed a office supply store (we'll call it store "S"). I thought that I could find my 25% cotton paper and then maybe I could beg someone at the univeristy to let me print off my pages somewhere. Luckily the paper was in stock and I grab two boxes (just in case) and run to the cashier. As I am leaving I look at the reciept I'm shocked and amazed to learn that I have paid close to 40$ for these two boxes of paper. When I recover from the mild cardio infraction I realize that I had actually been charged for more boxes than I had in reality purchased. So back to the cashier, who talks to me in Spanish (another tirade for anther day), for my refund and then I'm off to the university. I am finally able to print my pages, when someone else sends a bunch of articles to the printer I was using and ends up printing thier articles on almost a whole box worth of my paper... the 10$ a box paper... and I about freak out. Good thing I bought that second box. Finally 4 hours and 40$ later my thesis was printed out, another 30 minutes and it was turned in. Sigh... it was a long day that really made me question the helpfulness of printer-outer-establishments.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Procrastination Nation

Welcome to procrastination central, where all the work is done last minute and antacids are served with every meal.
Why do I do this to myself? I wait til the last minute, even the last second to do papers and projects. I make myself physically ill with the stress. I push the ox so far in the mire it would take a tow truck to get him out. Hello, my name is Gibbongirl and I'm a procrastinator. Too bad procrastination is not a super power, 'cause then I could be Gibbongirl the "Procrasti-Nator" except I don't think I would ever get around to solving super hero prolems, or maybe I would, it would always be just in the nick of time.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

In a Rut ... Rut... Rut...

Its been the same ol same ol for a couple of weeks now. I drive to Miami, go to class, go home, go to church, go to the sanctuary, drive to Miami, repeat, etc. I'm in the Miami-class part of the cycle at the moment. There have been the occasional excursions to buy food (realized it was bad when all I had in the fridge was a jet black banana, 2 eggs, and a stick of butter in the fridge... and that was all for a week at least). The food shopping excursions happen infrequently... apparently. Yup, its sad when shopping for yogurt is the highlight of the week... So there you have it-the not so exciting update about the goings-on in my life.

Of course now that I've written this something "exciting" will happen I'm sure. As long as no bones break, no cars die, and all fingers stay intact I think I can handle it.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Summer, wherefore art thou??

Haven't really posted in a while. The double life I am leading tends to create a time vortex or even a black hole that sucks time into oblivion till I come up for air suddenly, (and infrequently), and realize that whole months have gone by. Its an odd feeling to say the least. I live half a week in one town and the other half in a town 5 hours away. Somewhere along the path of I-75, between my two home towns, I swear there is a portal that when breached starts the week over. By the clock only one week passes at a time, but it feels like there are two weeks squished into that one week's passing. So time flies even as it creeps by. Like I said, an odd feeling.
So, the summer has come and gone, but oh joy there is a new semester coming up. Actually it has already started. And we're off to a good start. My first class was cancelled when the university closed for Tropical Storm Ernesto. Only one more class this week. Nothing says the end of summer like the dread that occurs when you realize you have to go back to school and sit in a classroom hour after hour after hour. . . after endless hour. . . And even though I have to contend with time vortexes, black holes, and portals again this semester it should be a good one with lots of "fun" adventures, mishaps, and experiences to fill this bog.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

In the midst of my imagination

The imagination is a powerful thing. I thought that being older than 5, ok maybe 10, indicated that I should have firm control of how my imagination worked by now. Not so. I have been proven wrong twice this week. At home, alone, one night I decided to throw caution to the wind, put homework aside and pick up a book to read. It turned out to be a murder mystery, with vanishing women and ghastly deaths, the usual murder mystery fair... And, yet the author did a good job of collecting my imagination and refusing to relinquish his grasp. I found myself jumping at slight noises from outside, holding my breath when I heard neighbors on the stairs, and even locking my bedroom door. (Not super effective if a killer wanted to get me... It's one of those locks you could open with a penny.) Even after I told myself I was being silly, I still had a some nervous minutes (ok I'll be honest, hours) that night. What added to this personal embarrassment (side note: is it really embarrassment if no one else is there to witness it? :end side note) was that this was not the first time I had read the book.
Incident number two is not for the squeamish, or those who are currently eating so stop reading now! No? You want to keep on reading? I warned you... As I was attempting to pick up my mail one afternoon from the communal mail boxes; you know the type, where everyone's box is next to each other, stacked like the cubby holes from first grade; and I noticed a bunch of ants climbing and darting all over the area. My imagination kicked into superdrive, took control of my brain, and my immediate thought was: what if someone put a dead rat in my mailbox? In my head I had a clear picture of myself approaching the mailbox, opening it slowly, reaching in and pulling out a dead, moldy, decomposing rat by its squishy tail...eeewwwww... Why I wasn't screaming in my head while this was happening I don't know, but the non-in-my-head me shuddered violently and felt extremely nauseous and ended up not getting the mail that day.