
When Gibbongirl goes bananas hilarity results. Read on for the adventures, mishaps, and slip-ups that seem to define my life.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Monday, November 27, 2006

Procrastination Nation

Welcome to procrastination central, where all the work is done last minute and antacids are served with every meal.
Why do I do this to myself? I wait til the last minute, even the last second to do papers and projects. I make myself physically ill with the stress. I push the ox so far in the mire it would take a tow truck to get him out. Hello, my name is Gibbongirl and I'm a procrastinator. Too bad procrastination is not a super power, 'cause then I could be Gibbongirl the "Procrasti-Nator" except I don't think I would ever get around to solving super hero prolems, or maybe I would, it would always be just in the nick of time.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

In a Rut ... Rut... Rut...

Its been the same ol same ol for a couple of weeks now. I drive to Miami, go to class, go home, go to church, go to the sanctuary, drive to Miami, repeat, etc. I'm in the Miami-class part of the cycle at the moment. There have been the occasional excursions to buy food (realized it was bad when all I had in the fridge was a jet black banana, 2 eggs, and a stick of butter in the fridge... and that was all for a week at least). The food shopping excursions happen infrequently... apparently. Yup, its sad when shopping for yogurt is the highlight of the week... So there you have it-the not so exciting update about the goings-on in my life.

Of course now that I've written this something "exciting" will happen I'm sure. As long as no bones break, no cars die, and all fingers stay intact I think I can handle it.